Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas Tree!!

  So on Sunday morning, my family and I went to go get our Christmas Tree!! Its a tradtion that we do every year, we went out to breakfast and then we head up to the States Farmers Market where there are a ton of trees!  We have been buying a tree from the same guy to, his name is Carl McCall.  He is a very nice man and since we have been coming to him a lot, he gives us discounts, which my mom loves!  I absoulutley love this time of year because its all about spending time with your family, and giving to those you love.  Everyone also just seems to be in a good mood, no matter what has happened. Can't wait for Christmas to get here!!

Countdown:  18 Days!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Where would I be without them??

  As I said in the beginning, senior year has its ups and downs,  and one of the downs is stress, and lots of it!  The only way I am getting through this is with my parents.  I honestly don't know where I would be without them.  They keep me staying positive and believing in myself.  Every morning before I leave for school my dad always says to have a great day and stay positive.  They understand where I'm coming from and know what I am going through.
   My parents may not be going through what I am going through but they see my stress and my pain and they try to do anything in their power to stop it....and I must say, they are doing a pretty good job at it.   If it wasn't for them giving me advice, and showing me encouragement everyday, I think I would rip every hair out of my head.  I love them with all of my heart and know I will get through this.  Sometimes you just need a little extra help to push through those tough situations.